Marketing automation software is expected to grow in popularity throughout 2018, and rightly so. Due to its ability to help businesses grow by saving time, improving conversion rates, and improving customer communication, more and more businesses are incorporating the tool into their marketing plans. But what are some trends to look out for in 2018?

More Social Media Automation

Anyone familiar with marketing automation software already knows how wonderful email automation is, but what about social media automation? Social media automation is expected to be one of the biggest trends this year thanks in large part to the fact that more consumers are beginning to follow businesses via social media pages. Marketers can utilize social media to interact with and attract prospective leads and existing customers with features like automated social media posts that allow marketers to schedule posts days or weeks in advance.

Improved Lead Scoring

Another marketing automation trend we’ll begin seeing more of in 2018 is improved lead scoring. It’s important to note, however, that this is only possible for businesses who know what their ideal customer looks like. Knowing this information allows businesses and marketers to utilize machine learning when it comes to lead scoring. By using calculations and examining customer data, businesses can better determine what kind of leads are more prone to becoming actual loyal customers.

More Personalized Content

Let’s face it, customers enjoy personalized content. Not only does it make them feel as though companies really care about them, but it often is the deciding factor in whether an individual will become a repeat customer. Fortunately, marketing automation makes it possible for businesses to offer personalized content for website visitors. For example, with automation software, marketers can create personalized content for specific contact and subscriber lists, which goes a long way in retaining customer loyalty and satisfaction.

Final Thoughts

There are many technology trends to look out for in the next year or so, and it’s certainly very exciting. For marketing professionals, in particular, the automation trends will go a long way in creating more personalized customer experiences while helping businesses grow and attract new leads.

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